Faith Over Fear

“Here’s What’s Standing Between Your Fears and Your  Passion”

If you want to overcome your fears and and stand still amidst crisis following your passion, then you need to read every word of this exciting letter, because it could move your life…

Dear Friend,

TAKOT KA BA…? What are YOU AFRAID of…?

There comes a time in everyone’s life; young professionals, students, parents, single, married or even religious or it could be in any person’s life regardless of  his/her status in the community when we are AFRAID”.

Ika nga“NATATAKOT”! Takot…sa mga maraming bagay, sa mga kaganapan sa buhay, sa mga nangyari na  at mangyayari  pa sa mundo.

Are you not tired of carrying your fears? My friend, hindi ka pa ba napapagod matakot?

Yeah…I know what it feels like. I feel you my friend! “Ramdam kita aking kaibigan!” It’s difficult right? But did you ever stand up and say yourself “enough!”

“Nakakapagod na matakot!” And that’s the day when you decide to change your life for the better by befriending yourself and taking a deeper self-reflection (knowing and understanding your fears and creating opportunities amidst your uncertainties).

I spent a lot of time just thinking about it, I read many articles related to my own feelings about it too. In fact, I watched many videos also, attended inspirational talks, had research, joined online forums and even talked to people.

The problem was, I wasn’t really serious to take action. Yes, I did gained numerous insights, but I was also defeated by procrastination. So I shall say that, “knowledge becomes idle if you lack action”.

 Do YOU Believe, YOU can do it….???

 Thus, I believe that “Knowledge becomes wisdom only…if it is applied”. No matter how “brainy” a person is, if he just hide and do nothing about it he does becomes inefficient. Ouch…!!!! Yes, it really hurts if, ika nga “tinamaan ka!”. The truth hurts, is’nt it? But the truth will set us free also, Right???

 I feel you..! “tinamaan din ako!” actually,  it had been many times already. I always did, I tried to overcome my fears but I could not let go of it as often and it leads me to nothingness. Kaiibigan, the truth is…if we just let our fears overpower us, we will become idle and it will lead us to frustration, disappointments or even depression.

 “Hahayaan mo lang  ba yon?”

 Remember, you are uniquely and wonderfully made by God, along with that you had God-given talents whom He entrusted for you to use it and to become fruitful. “The Parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 gives us insights on how the servants use their talents that their Master had bestowed among them.

 If you are the faithful servant whom, with your given talents God had gifted to you;  use it, improve it and then gain even more 'of it, then He our Master will be joyful and He will put you in charge of the greater things.

 But if you are like the other servant who was “afraid”, did not work for his talents , just hid and waited for the return of his Master then you will experience the same what happened to the lazy servant, that your talent will be taken away from you, will receive nothing and becomes worthless.

 Taking the first step seems to be the most difficult part. And perhaps this is very true based on my own personal experience. But as what coach Jon Orana of Negosyo University says, “you should walk the talk”. And thus, it means that we should apply what we have learned in order to become fruitful and effective.

 I am AFRAID…I am FULL of FEARS! This is legit I tell you, I was once fearful, doubtful, hesitant and full of anxieties. I was once like you…!

I’m always been afraid of doing something new, of creating and accepting opportunities in my life. Yes po “takot ako”, palagi akong takot. Maybe because I was used to follow rules, it was in my upbringing to be a “good girl” to be a “kind person”. There’s nothing wrong about it right? Well…it was good exactly because I grew up being a good and a kind person they say. And people would like me that way.

But to tell you honestly, I was fearful then… why? because I am afraid to make mistakes, I am afraid to fail. I have the fear of rejection in some other ways when people would criticize me if I commit any form of mistake and eventually they will dislike me.

 YES! YOU Can Do It!!! YOU Can Become EFFECTIVE…!

 The world is full of perfection maybe because it demands us to be perfect, to be as “its best” according to its own standards. And perhaps it is one of the many reasons why we are afraid. Knowingly that we shall not live necessarily by the “world’s standards” but prominently according to “God’s Standards”. And “Gods standard” does not demands perfection but rather humility and not to have fear but FAITH.

 Welcome to the NEW NORMAL….It’s been the trending phrase worldwide to hear this words, “new normal” What is it? “New Normal”,  “Ang bagong nakasanayan” or I can say “ the new lifestyle”, “The New Us”, “Ang Bagong Tayo” or in  what way you can translate it, what other words you may describe it, it just means the same and it intends to inform us that we cannot bring back the way we used to have, the life we used to lived.

The pandemic COVID-19 had brought impact and it changes in our lives. It was vast! Everyone’s life is affected. No matter what status of life you had, “whoever you are”, “whatever you had” it gives us the equality that we are all just “God’s creation” and only God is the “CREATOR”.

But remember this my friend, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:17 KJV)

Yes the future is unknown! the fact is, no one knows what will happen neither anyone is in control except God and knowing that God is the one who holds our lives it makes the difference. And it makes sense at all. We have nothing to be afraid of if the holy spirit dwelt among all of us. He, who is the Almighty Father will take  good care of everything we need, we only need to trust His heart.

Now…is your now to get up! rise and shine. It doesn’t mean that you are going to stop now. Yes! we are experiencing crisis but it doesn’t mean that we are futile. We can still do what needs to be done with the help of our Amighty Father in heaven. As truly Jesus says in his own words, “My Father is always at work, so must I.”

So believe me when I say I know what it’s like to have fears and doubts. It wasn’t very long ago that I was struggling with my fears too. But
once I discovered the secret of overcoming my personal anxieties nothing could stop me finding my passion amidst any form of uncertainties. And
now you too can learn these same secrets…now! And the best time is NOW!

 The Quick and Easy Way for You to:

 FIND your Passion Amidst Crisis…

 Forget about the things that bother you. Don’t worry about anything else. Because once you know you can suppress your FEAR versus your FAITH  if definitely your FAITH is over your  FEAR  and the secrets inside this exciting
guide, you’ll never again have to deal with your many “what ifs?” and regrets.

 That’s because, “FEAR vs FAITH; FAITH over FEAR, Finding your Passion Amidst Crisis…” is a detailed, step-by-step, no-fluff blueprint which will show you exactly how to …. (Know yourself, befriend yourself, talk to yourself, have a deeper self-reflection).  And it all begins with …YOU and Only in YOU.

 Just imagine:
·   No more doubts, hesitations and regrets.
·      No more, “Hindi ko kaya!” “Takot ako!”·  

And never again will you have to deal with inferiorities and self-pity!

Go ahead, imagine how you’ll feel when you finally get rid of your worries and be of great joy. Just imagine you are finally free from your fears. And just think of what your family, friends, your colleagues and most especially our Dear Holy Father will say once they see you happy and being fruitful of your version 2.0.

I want this!

Go ahead, imagine how you’ll feel when you finally get rid of your worries and be of great joy. Just imagine you are finally free from your fears. And just think of what your family, friends, your colleagues and most especially our Dear Holy Father will say once they see you happy and being fruitful of your version 2.0.

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Faith Over Fear

I want this!